
Equality in JavaScript can be a little odd.

Double equals

JavScript has two operations for equality (and inequality). One of them is ‘==’ (and ‘!=’ for inequality). It’s the oddest.

Not transitive

If a is equal to b, and if b is equal to c , then we expect a to be equal to c. This is called the transitive property.

js> '0' == 0      // 'a' is equal to 'b'
js> 0 == ''      //  'b' is equal to 'c'
js> '0' == ''    // 'a' is not equal to 'c'

Not reflexive

We expect a to be equal to a. This is called the reflexive property.

js> NaN == NaN

Fortunately, this seems to be the only example.

Is symmetric

If a is equal to b then we expect b to be equal to a. This is called the symmetric property. In JavaScript equality is symmetric.

Triple equality

JavaScript also has ‘===’ (and ‘!==’ for inequality).

Is transitive

Unlike double equals, triple equals is always transitive.

js> '0' === 0      // unequal
js> 0 === ''       // unequal
js> '0' === ''     // unequal

Not reflexive

js> NaN === NaN

By the way, there’s a thread on Facebook with subject Time and Date on my wall shows NaNNaNNaN at NaN:NaN. I wonder how that happened.

Is symmetric

Triple equality is still symmetric.

Don’t use double equality

Double equality does implicit conversions and besides has some odd rules. My advice is don’t use double equality.

Triple equality does not do conversions. If you want to do conversions in your comparision my advice is to make them explicit.

Compare as string

The easiest conversion is to string. Here are two immutables, a number and a string.

js> a = 0
js> b = '0'

These quantities are double equal but not triple equal.

js> a == b
js> a === b

Here’s how to do an explicit conversion to string before comparison, which gives an equality.

js> '' + a === '' + b    // Converts variables to strings.


It’s always easier to read a triple equal comparison, because you’re not distracted by the complex double equal rules.

Compare as number

[To follow later.]