Test tools

To make it easier to test code, and to ensure that example code is correct, there is a small testtools.js file in the work folder.

How to write tests

To prepare a test create a file like this. It’s also in the work folder. (For real examples the file will give assert a more interesting argument, whose truth or falsity is perhaps not obvious.)

TEST('all-pass', function()
    assert( 2 + 2 === 4 );
    assert( 'the ' + 'cat' === 'the cat');

TEST('2-4-fail', function()
    assert( true );
    assert( false );
    assert( 1 );
    assert( 0 );

How to run tests

Here’s how to run the tests at the command line, finishing with a command prompt that allows you inspect the state and also run the test again.


For Rhino use load to run the test again.

core-javascript-work$ js -f testtools.js -f demo_testtools.js -f -
Testing: all-pass
Testing: 2-4-fail
! assert 2 has failed
! assert 4 has failed
Rhino 1.7 release 2 2010 01 20
js> load('demo_testtools.js')  // You type this.
Testing: all-pass
Testing: 2-4-fail
! assert 2 has failed
! assert 4 has failed


For JSDB use run to run the test again.

C:core-javascript-work> jsdb -load testtools.js -load demo_testtools.js
Testing: all-pass
Testing: 2-4-fail
! assert 2 has failed
! assert 4 has failed
js> load('demo_testtools.js')  // You type this.
Testing: all-pass
Testing: 2-4-fail
! assert 2 has failed
! assert 4 has failed


(Optional on a first reading.) Here’s the file testools.js. It’s short and simple (and has a not-nice dependency on global variables). It also has a branch based on whether it’s being run on JSDB or Rhino.

var telltail = 'global';
var _assertion_count = 0;

// Define a global function 'log'.
var log;
if (this.hasOwnProperty('jsArguments')){

    log = function(s){
        print(s + '\n');
} else {
    log = print;

var TEST = function(title, code){

    var x;

    log( 'Testing: ' + title );
    _assertion_count = 0;

    try {
    } catch (x) {
        log('! Exception at ' + x.fileName +':' + x.lineNumber);
        log('! [' + x.name + '] '  + x.message );


var assert = function(arg){
    _assertion_count += 1;
    if (!arg){
        var msg = '! assert ' + _assertion_count + ' has failed';